
Stuart Kells has written on a wide range of subjects including libraries, publishing, professional services and diamond mining. His shorter works have been published around the world including in Smithsonian, The Paris Review, The Guardian and LitHub. A University of Melbourne alumnus, he delivered the 2018 Jean Whyte Lecture and the 2022…

Caitlin Mahar lectures in history at Swinburne University of Technology. She completed a PhD in history at the University of Melbourne in 2016 and was awarded the Society for the Social History of Medicine Roy Porter Essay Prize, the Australian and New Zealand Society for the History of Medicine Ben Haneman Memorial Award and the…

Eve Vincent is chair of Anthropology in the Macquarie School of Social Sciences. She is the author of Who Cares? Life on Welfare in Australia and ‘Against Native Title’: Conflict and Creativity in Outback Australia. Her writing has appeared in Sydney Review of Books, Griffith Review, Meanjin, Overland and Inside Story…

Michael Wesley is a leading scholar on Australian foreign policy and Australia’s relations with its region. He has previously published Making Australian Foreign Policy (with Allan Gyngell) and the The Howard Paradox: Australian Diplomacy in Asia 1996–2006. His 2011 book, There Goes the Neighbourhood: Australia and the Rise of Asia won the John Button…

Justin Clemens has published extensively on the relationships between poetry, psychology and philosophy in Romantic and post-Romantic writing, including Psychoanalysis is an Antiphilosophy (Edinburgh University Press, 2013). He is an Associate Professor in the School of Culture and Communication at the University of Melbourne.
Image ©François Farellacci

Jillian Graham is a freelance writer, editor and researcher, focusing on the experiences of Australian women composers. Graham was awarded the 2018 Redmond Barry Fellowship and was shortlisted twice for the Hazel Rowley Literary Fellowship. A trained musician, she sings in the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Chorus.

Dr Gradon Diprose is a geographer working as an environmental social science researcher at Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research. His research explores human nature relationships, climate resilient urban infrastructure, and how communities come together around shared concerns to sustain their livelihoods and wellbeing.
Raewyn Connell is professor emerita, University of Sydney and life member of the National Tertiary Education Union. She has taught in several countries and is a widely cited researcher on questions of social justice, knowledge, and social change. Connell is the current holder of the International Sociological Association's quadrennial award for Excellence in Research and…

Libby Robin is an independent non-fiction writer and prize-winning author whose work explores museums and environmental ideas. She works with museums in Australia, Germany, Estonia and Norway. Her books include The Flight of the Emu (2001), How a Continent Created a Nation (2007) and The Environment: A History of the Idea (2018).

Fiona Crawford is one of Australia’s most respected women’s football writers. She is author of The Matilda Effect and co-author of Never Say Die: The Hundred-Year Overnight Success of Australian Women’s Football. An adjunct lecturer at the Queensland University of Technology’s Centre for Justice, Crawford has written for the Sydney Morning Herald, Vogue…
Todung Mulya Lubis is an Indonesian lawyer, human rights activist, the founder of the Lubis Santosa & Maramis law firm, honorary professor at the Melbourne Law School and, from 2018, Ambassador of Indonesia to the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Iceland. He has held the position of deputy chair of the Human Rights…

Emmett Stinson is a Lecturer in Literary Cultures and Head of English at the University of Tasmania. He is the author of Satirizing Modernism and the short story collection, Known Unknowns. He is a co-founder and former president of the Small Press Network and served on the federal Book Industry Strategy Group. He is…

Graeme Davison is Emeritus Sir John Monash Professor of History at Monash University. He has written widely on Australian history, and his publications include The Rise and Fall of Marvellous Melbourne, The Unforgiving Minute: How Australia Learned to Tell the Time, Car Wars: How the Car Won Our Hearts and Conquered our Cities…

Noah Riseman is Adjunct Professor at La Trobe University, where he specialises in Australian histories of sexuality, gender and race. He is author or co-author of five books, including: Defending Country: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Military Service since 1945 (2016); Serving in Silence? Australian LGBT Servicemen and Women (2018); Indigenous Peoples and the Second…

Benjamin Oldroyd is Emeritus Professor of Behavioural Genetics at the University of Sydney. In 2020 Oldroyd was a resident fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Berlin, from where he edited a special issue of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London on epigenetics and evolution and wrote this book. Oldroyd is…
Andrew Quilty is the recipient of nine Walkley Awards, including the Gold Walkley, for his work on Afghanistan, where he was based from 2013 to 2022. He has also received the George Polk Award, the World Press Photo Award and the Overseas Press Club of America award for his investigation into massacres committed by a…

Quentin Sprague is a writer based on Australia's southeast coast, on Wadawurrung country. His essays and criticism have regularly appeared in The Monthly, as well as in The Australian, Art & Australia, and Discipline, and in artist monographs and exhibition catalogues published by (among others) The National Gallery of Victoria, The Monash University Museum of…

Peter Dawkins was Vice-Chancellor and President of Victoria University from 2011 to 2020, where he introduced the revolutionary ‘block model’ of teaching and learning. In 2014 he wrote Reconceptualising Tertiary Education, an influential paper that resulted in a program of work at the Mitchell Institute led by Peter Noonan. In 2021 Dawkins jointly led…

Rodney James is an Australian curator and writer specialising in nineteenth and twentieth century art writing and research, collection management, exhibitions, visual art projects and museum policy and strategy. His most recent publications include ‘Blood Red: Ivan Durrant’s social conscience’, in Ivan Durrant, Barrier Draw (2020) and Una Deerbon: Australian Potter 1882–1972 (2019), the first…

Raimond Gaita is honorary professorial fellow in the Melbourne Law School and emeritus professor of Moral Philosophy at King's College London. He is a fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. The University of Antwerp awarded him the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa ‘for his exceptional contribution to contemporary moral philosophy and for his…

Simon Butt is Professor of Indonesian Law at the University of Sydney Law School, where he teaches Indonesian law and Private International Law. Fluent in Indonesian, and having spent years in Indonesia, he has written widely on Indonesian law, including Corruption and Law in Indonesia (2012), The Constitutional Court and Democracy in Indonesia (2015), and…

Peter Christoff is a political scientist, a senior research fellow with the Melbourne Climate Futures Initiative, and an honorary associate professor with the School of Geography, Atmospheric and Earth Sciences at the University of Melbourne. His books include Globalisation and the Environment (co-authored with Robyn Eckersley) and Four Degrees of Global Warming: Australia in a…
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