Brisbane Powerhouse: John Birmingham in conversation with Paul Barclay
John Birmingham’s father died. And his life fell apart. The next six months were spent grinding through the dark forests of depression until he finally emerged out of the darkness onto sunlit upland.
A unique yet universal story, On Father reaches out to everyone who has experienced and survived deep grief.
John Birmingham has written for Rolling Stone, Playboy, Long Bay Prison News, Quarterly Essay and The Monthly. His published works include He Died With A Falafel In His Hand and Leviathan: The unauthorised biography of Sydney. He started writing airport novels because they were more fun.
Riverbend Books will be selling copies on the night.
John Birmingham is presented in partnership with Melbourne University Publishing.
Writers+Ideas is supported by EY and O’Neill Architecture.

16 April 2019, 7:00pm
Brisbane Powerhouse
119 Lamington St, New Farm QLD 4005

📅16 April 2019, 7:00pm
Brisbane Powerhouse
119 Lamington St, New Farm QLD 4005