William Cooper
An Aboriginal Life Story
William Cooper
An Aboriginal Life Story
An Aboriginal Life Story
An Aboriginal Life Story
The extraordinary Aboriginal leader whose story the Australian War Memorial should be telling
William Cooper was an extraordinary man whose life story is recounted in historian Bain Attwood’s latest book. Those familiar with the history of Indigenous protest in this country will, perhaps, know Cooper for organising the 1938 Aboriginal “Day of Mourning” to mark the 150th anniversary of the landing (invasion) of the first fleet on what would become “Australia Day”, the most culturally divisive date in our calendar.
The GuardianWilliam Cooper's petition for Indigenous representation in Federal Parliament 75 years ago
William Cooper wrote a petition to the King of England requesting that there be Aboriginal representation in the Australian Federal Parliament almost 75 years ago. He believed that someone capable of 'thinking black' was required to implement equal rights for his people and better protection for those living on Aboriginal Reserves like the one he had lived in on the Murray, Cumeroongunga. Historian Bain Attwood shares his insights into the long and productive life of William Cooper.
Late Night LivePODCAST: William Cooper: An Aboriginal Life Story
Written by professor Bain Attwood, William Cooper: An Aboriginal Life Story is the most comprehensive biography of Uncle William Cooper. The book retraces meticulously Uncle William Cooper’s unwavering battle against the dispossession of Aboriginal people and the denial of their fundamental rights.
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