Oil Under Troubled Water
Australia’s Timor Sea Intrigue
Oil Under Troubled Water
Australia’s Timor Sea Intrigue
Australia’s Timor Sea Intrigue
Australia’s Timor Sea Intrigue
Blowing the Whistle: Government, Law and Secrecy
Lawyer Bernard Collaery faces jail for allegedly helping his former client, intelligence officer Witness K, expose Australia’s bugging of the East Timorese government to gain the upper hand during oil and gas negotiations. His ongoing legal case has been described as a grave threat to freedom of speech at home. Discussing his new book, Oil Under Troubled Water: Australia’s Timor Sea Intrigue, Bernard appears alongside Julian Burnside, with host Eleanor Hall, to explore the fragile, fraught and vitally important relationship between our government, the legal system and whistleblowers. This podcast was recorded live at the 2021 Sydney Writers' Festival and is available on all major podcast platforms.
Sydney Writers Festival"Essential, if difficult, reading for all Australians."
Hon Steve Bracks, AC, Premier of Victoria 1999–2007
"East Timor is a country on our conscience."
Geoffrey Robertson
"Bernard Collaery's meticulous account... is an inspiration to us all"
Andrew Wilkie