Future Proofing Australia

The Right Answers for Our Future

Brett Mason, Daniel Wood
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Future Proofing Australia


1 February 2013



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Melbourne University Press

Future Proofing Australia

The Right Answers for Our Future

Brett Mason, Daniel Wood
Foreword by Tony Abbott MP
Future Proofing Australia is a selection of essays by distinguished thinkers and doers boldly confronting the future and mapping out a path for our country.
The contributors understand that ideas matter. They want to see Australia identify, confront and overcome significant challenges affecting our country, so that future generations continue to enjoy our prosperity, opportunity and lifestyle that are much envied around the world. New, fresh ideas are the lifeblood of any successful society. Without these ideas, societies stagnate and then wither-unable to either face or resolve problems confronting them.
Future Proofing Australia was conceived to assist that blood flow. It is designed to inform, challenge, and lift the level of public debate.
Future Proofing Australia is a selection of essays by distinguished thinkers and doers boldly confronting the future and mapping out a path for our country.
The contributors understand that ideas matter. They want to see Australia identify, confront and overcome significant challenges affecting our country, so that future generations continue to enjoy our prosperity, opportunity and lifestyle that are much envied around the world. New, fresh ideas are the lifeblood of any successful society. Without these ideas, societies stagnate and then wither-unable to either face or resolve problems confronting them.
Future Proofing Australia was conceived to assist that blood flow. It is designed to inform, challenge, and lift the level of public debate.

Brett Mason

Senator Brett Mason is the Shadow Minister for Universities and Research and a Liberal National Party Senator for Queensland. First elected to the federal Parliament in 1998, Brett served on John Howard's front bench as Tony Abbott's Parliamentary Secretary in the Health and Ageing portfolio during the final year of the Howard Government. Since then, he has been appointed to various positions within the Education Shadow Portfolio with responsibility for education, universities, research, science and…


Daniel Wood

Daniel Wood is a Senior Policy Adviser to the Queensland Minister for Science, IT, Innovation and the Arts, and is the Chief Executive Officer of the Sir Paul Hasluck Foundation. He has previously worked as a Prosecutor, the Political Adviser to the Queensland Leader of the Opposition and as an Adviser to a Member of the Federal Shadow Ministry. This is his first book.


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