Fair Share
Competing Claims and Australia's Economic Future
Fair Share
Competing Claims and Australia's Economic Future
Competing Claims and Australia's Economic Future
Competing Claims and Australia's Economic Future
Politics podcast with Michelle Grattan: Michael Keating on a Fair Share
With the debate about equality heating up ahead of the federal election, Dr Michael Keating, the former head of three federal government departments, warns that while past economic reforms have served Australia well, there’s a risk some people may be left behind if we don’t “change the debate”.
The ConversationPaul Keating forecasts grim future of inequality at Brisbane book launch
Mr Paul Keating said Fair Share was a vitally important work in examining the urgent economic challenges facing the nation, and the role of governments in addressing those challenges.
Daily TelegraphAustralia faces 'recessionary crisis' if we don't raise taxes, Australia Institutes says
Dr Keating, along with 46 other high-profile signatories, has backed an open letter to the nation's political leaders, from the Australia Institute, calling for everybody to pay more tax.
ABC Radio NationalEconomic solutions
What is the economic future of Australia and how do we ensure that everyone gets their fare share? Dr Stephen Bell and Dr Michael Keating think there might be and that the conversation about revenue and spending should start now.
ABC RN CounterpointHow rising inequality is stalling economies by crippling demand
Rising inequality is a concern across the developed economies, including Australia where top earners’ pay has soared to a 17-year high while ordinary workers’ wage growth has been the lowest on record. And that’s ultimately bad news for economic growth.
The Conversation AU