Surviving Your Split
A Guide to Separation, Divorce and Family Law in Australia
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Surviving Your Split
A Guide to Separation, Divorce and Family Law in Australia
A Guide to Separation, Divorce and Family Law in Australia
A Guide to Separation, Divorce and Family Law in Australia
Welcome to the club that you never wanted to join. When we stood in front of our family and friends and pledged until death do us part, we never thought we’d be among the 94 000 Australians who get divorced every year, and you probably didn’t, either. Or maybe you did—maybe your divorce has been a long time coming. Maybe you’re initiating it. Maybe your mum told you on your wedding day not to go through with it, like one bride we know. But then again, maybe it’s come completely out of the blue.
Or perhaps your de facto relationship, with houses or assets, children or fur-babies, or a mix of all of them, has come to an end.
Whatever route you’ve taken to get here, you’re splitting up. And it’s a scary, confusing time. For most people, divorce is what psychologists like to call a ‘major life crisis’, and it comes in at number two on the list of Really Horrible Things That Can Happen To Humans, just behind the death of a spouse or a loved one.
And yes, there may be times when you truly believe that your spouse dying would have been easier than the hell you’re going through now. If they were dead, you wouldn’t be facing the prospect of possibly losing your home and time with your kids, not to mention the embarrassment of your marriage ending. Right now, divorce might seem like the worst thing in the world.
But we’re here to say—you…
Divorce guide: Mannering sisters unite on how to divorce by the book
Sisters Rebekah and Lucy Mannering drew on their experiences to write a book on how to handle divorce.
The AustralianTalkback: keeping things civil during divorce
Around 94,000 Australians get divorced each year in Australia — add in de facto separations and the number of relationship breakdowns is even greater. So what makes a good divorce and separation?
ABC Life Matters"Surviving Your Split feels like a sage friend who is holding your hand through the minefield of separation."