Lavishly illustrated landmark books that document the national story.
The Miegunyah Press is a special imprint of Melbourne University Publishing that publishes prestigious books of the highest printing and design quality at affordable prices. Miegunyah Press books are absorbingly original, visually grand and eminently collectable.
Distinguished by their reputation for quality, books published under the Miegunyah imprint are lavishly illustrated landmark books that document the national story, and include a list of award-winning art, photography, historical and biographical titles. The diversity of this imprint also encompasses a range of contemporary genres including popular culture, travel, food and gardening titles.
The Miegunyah Press was established in 1967 through the vision of Sir Russell Grimwade and from major bequests provided by him and his wife. Sir Russell Grimwade (1879-1955), businessman and philanthropist, was a passionate collector of Australiana, especially books and paintings concerned with Australia's European beginnings. He is often remembered as the man who brought Captain Cook's Cottage to Australia in 1934. 'Miegunyah', in Orrong Road, Toorak, was the Grimwades' home from 1911 to 1973. Miegunyah is a name derived from the Dharug/Dharuk word 'gunyah' meaning shelter.
The original patron of The Miegunyah Press was Sir Andrew Grimwade. His descendants Angus Grimwade and Ann Grimwade maintain the family’s unique and continuing association with the Press.
Complete Listing of Miegunyah Press books
Below is the full list of Miegunyah Press books published since the series' inception.
In 1995 The Miegunyah Press became a separate imprint of MUP, and its distinctive window logo appears on all books published in the second series. For the benefit of collectors and those who appreciate the many aspects of fine book production, titles in the second series include a colophon page at the end of the book.
- 2.222 Barbara Tucker - Edited by Hermina Burns
- 2.221 Letters to a Critic - Rodney James
- 2.220 Ken Whisson - Quentin Sprague
- 2.219 This is Afghanistan - Andrew Quilty
- 2.218 The World of Mab Grimwade - Thea Gardiner
- 2.217 Murnane - Emmett Stinson
- 2.216 My Grandfather's Clock - Graeme Davison
- 2.215 Inner Song - Jillian Graham
- 2.214 MUP - Stuart Kells
- 2.213 Cannon Fire - Michael Cannon
- 2.212 Bruno Leti - Bruno Leti, edited by Thomas Middlemost
- 2.211 The Triumphs of Our Fleur-de-Lys - Peter Campbell
- 2.210 Consent of the People - David Kemp
- 2.209 European Vision and the South Pacific - Bernard Smith, edited by Sheridan Palmer
- 2.208 Emperors in Lilliput - Jim Davidson
- 2.207 Lohrey - Julieanne Lamond
- 2.206 Masked Histories - Leah Lui-Chivizhe
- 2.205 The Red Witch - Nathan Hobby
- 2.204 The Architecture of Devotion - Edited by Jaynie Anderson, Max Vodola, Shane Carmody
- 2.203 Great Properties of Tasmania - Richard Allen and Kimbal Baker
- 2.202 William Cooper - Bain Attwood
- 2.201 Vandemonians - Janet McCalman
- 2.200 Doing Feminism - Anne Marsh
- 2.199 Life as Art - Edited by Della Rowley and Lynn Buchanan
- 2.198 Fairweather and China - Claire Roberts
- 2.197 Frances Burke - Nanette Carter and Robyn Oswald-Jacobs
- 2.196 Australia at the Venice Biennale - Kerry Gardner
- 2.195 My Forests - Janine Burke
- 2.194 A Liberal State - David Kemp
- 2.193 Pride of Place - Edited by Alisa Bunbury
- 2.192 Under the Rainbow - Richard Broinowski
- 2.191 The Convent - Stuart Kells
- 2.190 The Colonial Kangaroo Hunt - Ken Gelder and Rachael Weaver
- 2.189 A Democratic Nation - David Kemp
- 2.188 Australia's First Families of Wine - Richard Allen and Kimbal Baker
- 2.187 Mr Guilfoyle’s South Sea Islands Adventure on HMS Challenger - Diana Hill and Edmeé Cudmore
- 2.186 The Invention of Melbourne - Edited by Jaynie Anderson, Max Vodola, Shane Carmody
- 2.185 Bauhaus Diaspora and Beyond - Edited by Philip Goad, Ann Stephen, Andrew McNamara, Harriet Edquist, Isabel Wünsche
- 2.184 Mr Guilfoyle's Honeymoon: The Gardens of Europe & Great Britain – Edited by Diana Hill and Edmée Cudmore
- 2.183 A Free Country: Australians' Search for Utopia – David Kemp
- 2.182 Kindred: A Cradle Mountain Love Story – Kate Legge
- 2.181 Mirka & Georges: A Culinary Affair – Lesley Harding and Kendrah Morgan
- 2.180 The Land of Dreams: How Australians Won Their Freedom, 1788–1860 – David Kemp
- 2.179 Mr Guilfoyle's Shakespearian Botany – Edited by Diana Hill and Edmée Cudmore
- 2.178 Shifting the Boundaries: The University of Melbourne 1975-2015 – Carolyn Rasmussen
- 2.177 Committed to Learning: A History of Education at the University of Melbourne – Juliet Flesch
- 2.176 More Great Properties of Country Victoria – Richard Allen and Kimbal Baker
- 2.175 The Pivot of Power: Australian Prime Ministers and Political Leadership, 1949-2016 – Paul Strangio, Paul 't Hart & James Walter
- 2.174 La Mama – Adam Cass
- 2.173 My Vice-Regal Life – Lady Anna Cowen
- 2.172 Dear Quentin – Dame Quentin Bryce
- 2.171 From the Edge: Australia's Lost Histories – Mark McKenna
- 2.170 Margaret Preston: Recipes for Food and Art – Lesley Harding
- 2.169 Shooting the Picture – Fay Anderson and Sally Young
- 2.168 The Peter Thompson Five – Tony Walker
- 2.167 Settling the Office: The Australian Prime Ministership from Federation to Reconstruction – Paul Strangio, Paul 't Hart & James Walter
- 2.166 Miegunyah: The Bequests of Russell and Mab Gimwade – John Poynter and Ben Thomas
- 2.165 Modern Love: the Lives of John and Sunday Reed – Lesley Harding and Kendrah Morgan
- 2.164 Great Properties of Country Victoria – Richard Allen and Kimbal Baker
- 2.163 The Forgotten Notebook – Betty Churcher
- 2.162 The Constant Renovators: Restoring Grandeur – Dominic and Marie Romeo
- 2.161 Santamaria – Gerard Henderson
- 2.160 Transforming Biology – Juliet Flesch
- 2.159 Gallipoli, The Turkish Defence – Harvey Broadbent
- 2.158 Rules of Engagement - Kim Williams
- 2.157 Australian Notebooks - Betty Churcher
- 2.156 Australian Art: A History - Sasha Grishin
- 2.155 Strange Country: Why Australian Painting Matters - Patrick McCaughey
- 2.154 Cultivating Modernism: Reading the Modern Garden, 1917-71 - Richard Aitken (out of print)
- 2.153 Fairfax: The Rise and Fall - Colleen Ryan (available in new general paperback edition)
- 2.150 Country Gardens, Country Hospitality - Holly Kerr Forsyth (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.152 Moroccan Idyll - Jeanette Hoorn
- 2.151 Tiwi - Jennifer Isaacs
- 2.149 28 Days in Provence - Shannon Bennett
- 2.148 Gough Whitlam: His Time (Volume Two) - Jenny Hocking (available in updated paperback edition)
- 2.147 Storied Windows - Sir Andrew Grimwade (out of print)
- 2.146 Sunday's Garden - Lesley Harding and Kendrah Morgan (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.145 Memoirs of a Young Bastard - Hilary McPhee (out of print)
- 2.144 Permanent Revolution - Richard Haese (out of print)
- 2.143 Shannon Bennett's France - Shannon Bennett and Scott Murray
- 2.142 The Office - Gideon Haigh
- 2.141 A Hostile Beauty - Alistair Dermer and Danielle Wood
- 2.140 Movida's Guide to Barcelona - Frank Camorra with Richard Cornish
- 2.139 An Eye for Eternity - Mark McKenna (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.138 Notebooks - Betty Churcher
- 2.137 Shannon Bennett's New York - Shannon Bennett and Scott Murray (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.136 Seasons in My House and Garden - Holly Kerr Forsyth (out of print)
- 2.135 The Gardens of Ideas - Richard Aitken (out of print)
- 2.134 art+soul - Hetti Perkins
- 2.133 Everfresh: Blackbook - Everfresh Studio (out of print)
- 2.132 The West and the Map of the World - Matthew Richardson (out of print)
- 2.131 Making Waves - David Penington
- 2.130 Rare and Curious - Elizabeth Ellis
- 2.129 Something to Declare - Sir James Gobbo (out of print)
- 2.128 Sunday's Kitchen - Lesley Harding and Kendra Morgan (out of print)
- 2.127 The Gardener's Book of Days - Holly Kerr Forsyth (out of print)
- 2.126 Malcolm Fraser - Margaret Simons and Malcolm Fraser (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.125 Shannon Bennett's Paris - Shannon Bennett
- 2.124 Cubism and Australian Art - Lesley Harding and Sue Cramer (out of print)
- 2.123 Weary - Sue Ebury (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.122 Oceans - Andrew Dwyer
- 2.121 Bottersnikes and Other Lost Things - Juliet O'Conner (out of print)
- 2.120 Eating with Emperors - Jake Smith (out of print)
- 2.119 Australia's Remarkable Trees - Richard Allen (available in new general paperback gift edition)
- 2.118 Reframing Darwin - Jeanette Hoorn (Ed) (out of print)
- 2.117 Kings Way - Cubrilo, Harvery and Stamer (outof print)
- 2.116 Don't Forget Me Cobber - Robin Corfield (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.115 Possession - Brian Attwood (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.114 Judy Watson - Judy Watson and Louise Martin-Chew (out of print)
- 2.113 Gardens of Eden - Holly Kerr Forsyth (out of print)
- 2.112 First Australians - Rachel Perkins (available in unillustrated general paperback edition)
- 2.111 Gough Whitlam: A Moment in History (Volume One) - Jenny Hocking (available in updated hardback edition)
- 2.110 Graham Kennedy Treasures - Mike McColl Jones (out of print)
- 2.109 Great Australian Sporting Moments - Michael Roberts (ed) (out of print)
- 2.108 Many Lives of Kenneth Myer - Sue Ebury
- 2.107 Private Lives - Peter Timms (out of print)
- 2.106 Modern Times - Goad and McNamar Stephen (out of print)
- 2.105 Surf-o-rama - Murray Walding (out of print; updated edition est. 2016)
- 2.104 Blood and Tinsel - Bill Sharman
- 2.103 Running the Show - Patrick Morgan
- 2.102 Jon Cattapan - Chris McAuliffe (out of print)
- 2.101 A Remarkable Friendship - Ann Galbally (out of print)
- 2.100 Mawson - Tim Jarvis
- 2.99 The Men of the Line - Pattie Wright (out of print)
- 2.98 Strangers in a Foreign Land - Maggie Mackellar
- 2.97 Pioneers of Modernism - Harriet Edquist (out of print)
- 2.96 The Constant Gardener - Holly Kerr Forsyth (out of print)
- 2.95 Outback - Andrew Dwyer (out of print)
- 2.94 The Art of the Collection - State Library of Victoria with Richard Aitken, Leigh Astbury, Ashley Crawford, Graeme Davison and Brenda Niall (out of print)
- 2.93 The World of the Book - Des Cowley and Clare Williamson (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.92 Uncommissioned Art - Christine Dew (out of print)
- 2.91 A Dictionary of Sea Quotations (numbered paperback edition) - Edward Duyker
- 2.90 Prince of The Church - Philip Ayres
- 2.89 Homes in the Sky - Dr Charles Pickett and Caroline Butler-Bowdon (out of print)
- 2.88 Portrait of a Friendship (numbered paperback edition) - Bryony Cosgrove (ed.)
- 2.87 Voyages to the South Seas - Danielle Clode (out of print)
- 2.86 Sir Ninian Stephen - Tim McCormack and Cheryl Saunders (eds)
- 2.85 Diversity and Discovery - Sir Gustav Nossal (out of print)
- 2.84 Your Most Obedient Servant - Patrick Morgan (ed.)
- 2.83 Modernism and Australia - Ann Stephen, Andrew McNamara, Philip Goad (eds)
- 2.82 These are The Names - John S. Levi (available in general hardback edition)
- 2.81 Bert And Ned - Patrick McCaughey (out of print)
- 2.80 Botanical Riches - Richard Aitken (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.79 Juan Davila - With Guy Brett and Roger Benjamin, and writings by Juan Davila (out of print)
- 2.78 Australia's Quarter Acre - Peter Timms (out of print)
- 2.77 Crème de la Phlegm - Angela Bennie (out of print)
- 2.76 Great Philanthropists on Trial - Edited by Andrew Grimwade and Gerard Vaughan (out of print)
- 2.75 François Péron: An Impetuous Life - Edward Duyker (out of print)
- 2.74 A Public Life - Zelman Cowen (out of print)
- 2.73 Ian Potter - Peter Yule (out of print)
- 2.72 Remembered Gardens - Holly Kerr Forsyth (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.71 Voyage and Landfall - Patrick McCaughey (out of print)
- 2.70 On Looking at Looking - Ann Stephen (out of print)
- 2.69 The Photographs of Baldwin Spencer - Philip Batty, Lindy Allen and John Morton (eds) (out of print)
- 2.68 Plastered - Murray Walding with Nick Vukovic (out of print)
- 2.67 One Brief Interval - Sir Edward Woodward (out of print)
- 2.66 The Beginner's Guide to Winning the Nobel Prize - Peter Doherty (available in new general paperback edition)
- 2.65 The Pursuit of Wonder - Julia Horne (out of print)
- 2.64 Dearest Munx - Edited by Margaret Harris (out of print)
- 2.63 Per l'Australia - Julia Church (out of print)
- 2.62 Mythform - Paul Carter (out of print)
- 2.61 A Merciful Journey - Marsden Hordern (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.60 Degenerates and Perverts - Eileen Chanin and Steven Miller with Judith Pugh (out of print)
- 2.55 The Art of War - Betty Churcher (out of print)2.54 Clearings - Paul Fox (out of print)
- 2.59 An Eye for Photography - Alan Davies (out of print)
- 2.58 Papunya: A Place Made After the Story - Geoffrey Bardon and James Bardon (out of print)
- 2.57 Horse And Rider in Australian Legend - Nanette Mantle (out of print)
- 2.56 Gardenesque - Richard Aitken (out of print)
- 2.53 Beach Crossings - Greg Dening (out of print)
- 2.52 Through Artists' Eyes: Australian Suburbs and Their Cities, 1919-1945 - John Slater, foreword by Bernard Smith (out of print)
- 2.51 Harold Desbrowe-Annear: A Life in Architecture - Harriet Edquist (out of print)
- 2.50 Donald Thomson in Arnhem Land - Donald Thomson, compiled and edited by Nicholas Peterson (out of print)
- 2.49 Lionel Lindsay in Spain: An Antipodean Abroad - Colin Holden (out of print)
- 2.48 Mr Felton's Bequests - John Poynter (available in new general hardback edition)
- 2.47 A New City: Photographs of Melbourne's Land Boom - Edited by Ian Morrison (out of print)
- 2.46 The Global Reach of Empire: Britain's Maritime Expansion in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, 1764-1815 - Alan Frost (out of print)
- 2.45 Treasures: Highlights of the Cultural Collections of the University of Melbourne - Edited by Chris McAuliffe and Peter Yule (out of print)
- 2.44 Lina Bryans: Rare Modern 1909-2000 - Gillian Forwood (out of print)
- 2.43 Citizen Labillardière: A Naturalist's Life in Revolution and Exploration (1755-1834) - Edward Duyker (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.42 Owen Dixon - Philip Ayres (available in general hardback edition)
- 2.41 Patrick White, Painter Manqu: Paintings, Painters and their Influence on his Writing - Helen Verity Hewitt (out of print)
- 2.40 Charles Conder: The Last Bohemian - Ann Galbally (out of print)
- 2.39 The Boyds: A Family Biography - Brenda Niall (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.38 The Solitary Watcher: Rick Amor and his Art - Gary Catalano (out of print)
- 2.37 Colonial Consorts: Wives of Victoria's Governors: 1839-1900 - Marguerite Hancock (out of print)
- 2.36 Voyage to Australia and the Pacific: 1791-1793: Bruni d'Entrecasteaux - Edited and translated by Edward & Maryse Duyker (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.35 Australian Gothic: The Gothic Revival in Australian Architecture from the 1840s to the 1950s - Brian Andrews (out of print)
- 2.34 The Colonial Earth - Tim Bonyhady (out of print)
- 2.33 David Collins: A Colonial Life - John Currey (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.32 Rolf Boldrewood: A Life - Paul de Serville (out of print)
- 2.31 The Art Movement in Australia: Design, Taste and Society, 1875-1900 - Andrew Montana (out of print)
- 2.30 Hilda Rix Nicholas: Her Life and Art - John Pigot (out of print)
- 2.29 William Frater: A Life with Colour - Dick Wittman (out of print)
- 2.28 The Orchids of Tasmania - David Jones, Hans Wapstra, Peter Tonelli and Stephen Harris (out of print)
- 2.27 Mawson: A Life - Philip Ayres (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.26 The Governor's Noble Guest: Hyacinthe de Bougainville's Account of Port Jackson, 1825 - Introduced and edited by Marc Serge Rivi're (out of print)
- 2.25 The Minerva Journal of John Washington Price: A Voyage from Cork, Ireland to Sydney, New South Wales, 1798-1800 - Pamela Jean Fulton (out of print)
- 2.24 Maritime Paintings of Early Australia 1788-1900 - Martin Terry (out of print)
- 2.23 Sacred Places: War Memorials in the Australian Landscape - K. S. Inglis (available in general paperback editon)
- 2.22 The Griffins in Australia and India: The Complete Works and Projects of Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin - Edited by Peter Y. Navaretti and Jeffrey Turnbull (out of print)
- 2.21 Distracted Settlement: New South Wales after Bligh from the Journal of Lieutenant James Finucane, 1808-1810 - Anne-Maree Whitaker (out of print)
- 2.20 Clunies Ross: Australian Visionary - L. R. Humphreys (out of print)
- 2.19 A Life on the Ocean Wave: The Journals of Captain Bayly, 1824-1844 (numbered paperback edition) - Edited by Pamela Statham and Rica Erickson
- 2.18 The French Consul's Wife: Memoirs of Céleste de Chabrillan in Gold-rush Australia (numbered paperback edition) - Edited and translated by Patricia Clancy and Jeanne Allen
- 2.17 Nature's Argonaut: Daniel Solander, 1733-1782 - Edward Duyker (out of print)
- 2.16 King of the Australian Coast: The Work of Phillip Parker King in the Mermaid and Bathurst, 1817-1822 - Marsden Hordern (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.15 The Wentworths: Father and Son - John Ritchie (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.14 John Gould in Australia: Letters and Drawings - Ann Datta (out of print)
- 2.13 H.M. Bark Endeavour - Ray Parkin (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.12 Glimpses of Life in Victoria: by 'A Resident' - Edited by Marguerite Hancock (out of print)
- 2.11 A History of the Port Phillip District: Victoria before Separation - A. G. L. Shaw
- 2.10 The Henty Journals: A Record of Farming, Whaling and Shipping in Portland Bay, 1834-1839 (numbered paperback edition) - Edited by Lynnette Peel
- 2.9 Robin Boyd: A Life - Geoffrey Serle (out of print)
- 2.8 Edwardian Melbourne in Picture Postcards - Alexandra Bertram and Angus Trumble, with a foreword by Barry Humphries (out of print)
- 2.7 Looking for La Pérouse: D'Entrecasteaux in Australia and the South Pacific, 1792-1793 - Frank Horner (available in general paperback edition)
- 2.6 The Precarious Life of James Mario Matra: Voyager with Cook, American Loyalist, Servant of Empire - Alan Frost, with the assistance of Isabel Moutinho (out of print)
- 2.5 E. Phillips Fox: His Life and Art - Ruth Zubans (out of print)
- 2.4 The Orchids of Victoria - Gary Backhouse and Jeffrey Jeanes, foreword by J. H. Willis (out of print)
- 2.3 The Voyage of HMS Herald: to Australia and the South-west Pacific 1852-1861 under the command of Captain Henry Mangles Denham - Andrew David (out of print)
- 2.2 Daniel Solander: Collected Correspondence 1733-1782 (numbered paperback edition) - Edited and translated by Edward Duyker and Per Tingbrand, foreword by Alan Frost
- 2.1 Henry Kendall: The Man and the Myths - Michael Ackland (out of print)
The Grimwade bequest enabled MUP to publish eighteen Miegunyah Press titles between 1967 and 1994. The list is strong in Australian history, maritime history, natural history and biography, and individual titles have won many awards.
- 1.18 Georgiana: A biography of Georgiana McCrae, painter, diarist, pioneer - Brenda Niall
- 1.17 New Holland Journal: November 1833-October 1834 (numbered paperback edtion) - Baron Charles von H'gel, translated and edited by Dymphna Clark
- 1.16 An Officer of the Blue: Marc-Joseph Marion Dufresne, South Seas Explorer, 1724-1772 (numbered paperback edition) - Edward Duyker, foreword by Frank Horner
- 1.15 Victoria's Colonial Governors: 1839-1900 - Davis McCaughey, Naomi Perkins and Angus Trumble (out of print)
- 1.14 Lyrebird Rising: Louise Hanson-Dyer of l'Oiseau-Lyre, 1884-1962 - Jim Davidson (out of print)
- 1.13 A Journey to Cooper's Creek (numbered paperback edition) - Hermann Beckler, edited and with an introduction by Stephen Jeffries, translated by Stephen Jeffries and Michael Kertesz
- 1.12 Life after Gold: Twentieth-century Ballarat - Weston Bate (out of print)
- 1.11 A World That Was: The Yaraldi of the Murray River and the Lakes, South Australia - Ronald M. Berndt and Catherine J. Berndt, with John E. Stanton (out of print)
- 1.10 Imagining the Pacific: In the Wake of the Cook Voyages - Bernard Smith (out of print)
- 1.9 Grevillea: Proteaceae: A Taxonomic Revision - D. J. McGillivray, assisted by R. O. Makinson, foreword by J. R. Poynter (out of print)
- 1.8 Commandant of Solitude: The Journals of Captain Collet Barker, 1828-1831 - John Mulvaney and Neville Green (out of print)
- 1.7 Australian Children's Books: A Bibliography
- Australian Children's Books Volume 1: 1774-1972 - Marcie Muir (out of print)
- Australian Children's Books Volume 2: 1973-1988 - Kerry White (out of print)
- Australian Children's Books Volume 3: 1989-2000 - Kerry White
- 1.6 Walers: Australian Horses Abroad - A. T. Yarwood
- 1.5 Gipps-La Trobe Correspondence: 1839–1846 - Edited by A. G. L. Shaw (out of print)
- 1.4 Mariners Are Warned!: John Lort Stokes and HMS Beagle in Australia, 1837–1843 (numbered paperback edition) - Marsden Hordern
- 1.3 The Contented Botanist: Letters of W. H. Harvey about Australia and the Pacific - Edited by Sophie C. Ducker and William Henry
- 1.2 Return to Tahiti: Bligh’s Second Breadfruit Voyage - Douglas Oliver (out of print)
- 1.1 Russel Grimwade - J. R Poynter
- A Web of Friendship: Selected Letters (1928–1973) – Christina Stead
- Surf-o-rama (New Edition) – Murray Walding
- Backyard Insects (Updated Edition) – Paul Horne & Denis Crawford
- The Salzburg Tales – Christina Stead
- Malcolm Fraser: The Political Memoirs (Updated Commemorative Edition) – Malcolm Fraser and Margaret Simmons
- Seven Poor Men of Sydney – Christina Stead
- Australian Art: A History – Sasha Grishin
- Cotters' England – Christina Stead
- The Beginner's Guide to Winning the Nobel Prize (New Edition) – Peter Doherty
- Fortunate Voyager: The Worlds of Ninian Stephen – Philip Ayres
- Douglas Copland: Scholar, Economist, Diplomat – Marjorie Harper
- These Are the Names: Jewish Lives in Australia, 1788-1850 – John S Levi
- Momentum – The Office of the Victorian Government Architect
- For Love Alone – Christina Stead
- The Man Who Loved Children – Christina Stead
- The University of Melbourne – Thornton McCamish (out of print)
- Outback Cooking – Andrew Dwyer (out of print)
- Nobody's Valentine – Marion Poynter (out of print)
- Ethically Challenged – Jonathan Mills
- Savage Luxury – Nanette Carter (out of print)
- Dictionary of Battles and Sieges (out of print)
- Construcitng Australia – Richard Evans and Alex West (out of print)
- A Month at the Front – Unkown Author (out of print)
- First Principles – John Waugh (out of print)
- The Archibald Paradox – Sylvia Lawson (out of print)
- Australian Modern – Philip Goad, Rowan Wiken and Julie Willis
- Trikojus: A Scientist for Interesting Times – Ross Humphreys
- The Eureka Stockade – Raffaello Carboni
- Legendary Tales of Australian Aborigines – David UnaiponJohn Shaw Neilson – Helen Hewson (out of print)
- Henry Handel Richardson Volume 1 – Edited by Clive Probyn and Bruce Steele
- Henry Handel Richardson Volume 2 – Edited by Clive Probyn and Bruce Steele
- Henry Handel Richardson Volume 3 – Edited by Clive Probyn and Bruce Steele
- Henry Handel Richardson: 3 Volume Set – Edited by Clive Probyn and Bruce Steele (out of print)
- Henry Handel Richardson: 2 Volume Set – Edited by Clive Probyn an Bruce Steele (out of print)
- Kakadu – David Lawrence (out of print)
- Holiday Business – Jim Davidson and Peter Spearritt (out of print)
- A History of Angus and Robertson – Neil James (out of print)
- Micahel Dransfield's Lives – Patricia Dobrez (out of print)
- The Mount Buffalo Story – Dan Webb and Bob Adams (out of print)
- A Man About Town – Sally Graham (out of print)
- The Sky Travellers – Bill Gammage