The Dawkins Revolution

25 Years On

Gwilym Croucher, Simon Marginson, Andrew Norton, Julie Wells
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The Dawkins Revolution

25 Years On

Gwilym Croucher, Simon Marginson, Andrew Norton, Julie Wells
John Dawkins was Australia's most influential higher education minister. He turned colleges into universities, free education into HECS, elite education into mass education, a local focus into an international outlook, vice-chancellors into CEOs, and most academics into both teachers and researchers.
The publication of this volume marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the revolution that John Dawkins started, creating what became known as the Unified National System of higher education. While John Dawkins' reforms were and often remain controversial, they have had a lasting impact on the shape of university education in Australia.
This edited collection of research papers, histories and personal accounts from key players analyses the antecedents, details and legacy of this remarkable period in higher education policy in Australia.
John Dawkins was Australia's most influential higher education minister. He turned colleges into universities, free education into HECS, elite education into mass education, a local focus into an international outlook, vice-chancellors into CEOs, and most academics into both teachers and researchers.
The publication of this volume marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the revolution that John Dawkins started, creating what became known as the Unified National System of higher education. While John Dawkins' reforms were and often remain controversial, they have had a lasting impact on the shape of university education in Australia.
This edited collection of research papers, histories and personal accounts from key players analyses the antecedents, details and legacy of this remarkable period in higher education policy in Australia.

Gwilym Croucher

Gwilym Croucher

Gwilym Croucher is a higher education researcher, analyst and policy adviser at the University of Melbourne. He is a Senior Lecturer in the Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education as well as Principal Policy Adviser in Chancellery at the University.


Simon Marginson

Simon Marginson

Simon Marginson is Professor of International Higher Education at the UCL Institute of Education at University College London in the UK. He is Director of the ESRC/HEFCE Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), and Joint Editor-in-Chief of Higher Education. From 2006-2013 he was Professor of Higher Education at the University of Melbourne. He works primarily on higher education and globalization, and higher education and social inequality. His most recent book is The Dream Is Over:


Andrew Norton


Julie Wells


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