The Dismissal and the Fight for the Palace Letters: Professor Jenny Hocking in conversation with Peter Manning
On 16 March 2018 the Federal Court found that the "palace letters" - the correspondence between the Queen and the Governor-General during the Whitlam Government's 1975 dismissal - could not be made publicly available under the Archives Act. The reasons were various - but in short, His Honour Justice Griffiths found that the records were "personal" and could not be the subject of an access application.
Now on appeal, the Full Court of the Federal Court will soon consider again the public right to access this important chapter in Australian history.
But before it does, the NSW Society of Labor Lawyers is proud to bring to you the historian behind the application - Emeritus Professor Jenny Hocking from Monash University, author of the award-winning biography of Gough Whitlam, who revealed the secret role of High Court justice Sir Anthony Mason in the dismissal and who has spent the better part of her career continuing to unravel the truth behind that unprecedented vent. On 22 August 2018 Professor Hocking will be in conversation with former ABC journalist Peter Manning about the Palace letters, her latest book "The Dismissal Dossier: Everything You Were Never Meant to Know about November 1975 - the Palace Connection", and the controversial circumstances that led to the sacking of one of Australia's most loved but controversial Prime Ministers.
Copies of Professor Hocking's book, The Dismissal Dossier, will be available for sale at the event.
22 August 2018, 6:00pm
Holding Redlich
Holding Redlich, Level 65, 19 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000
📅22 August 2018, 6:00pm
Holding Redlich
Holding Redlich, Level 65, 19 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000