Weather Obsessed

MUP reading stack
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Weather Obsessed

Conversations about the weather have made a big comeback
The essential MUP Reading Stack for understanding Australia's weather and climate behaviour.
The essential MUP Reading Stack for understanding Australia's weather and climate behaviour.

The Weather Obsession lifts the lid on our insatiable appetite for meteorological media and shows that while we might not have stopped worrying about the forecast, almost all of us have learnt to love the BOM.

Sunburnt Country pieces together Australia's climate history for the first time. It uncovers a continent long vulnerable to climate extremes and variability. It gives an unparalleled perspective on how human activities have altered patterns that have been with us for millions of years, and what climate change looks like in our own backyard.

Sunburnt Country highlights the impact of a warming planet on Australian lifestyles and ecosystems and the power we all have to shape future life on Earth.

Lawrie Zion

Lawrie Zion

Lawrie Zion is Professor of Journalism at La Trobe University, where he heads the Department of Communication and Media. His extensive media background includes a nine-year stint at the ABC, where he founded Triple J's Hottest 100 listener poll. He also worked as a film reporter for The Age and The Australian, and wrote and researched the award-winning documentary The Sounds of Aus.


Joëlle Gergis

Joëlle Gergis

Dr Joëlle Gergis is an award-winning climate scientist and writer from the University of Melbourne.

Dr Gergis has held two Australian Research Council fellowships as an internationally recognised expert in Australian and Southern Hemisphere climate variability and change.

From 2009–2012 she led the Australian Research Council Linkage funded South-Eastern Australian Recent Climate History (SEARCH) project; a landmark initiative, spanning the sciences and the humanities to reconstruct the region’s climate variability from first European settlement in…


MUP reading stack
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Products in this stack
  • The Weather Obsession
  • Sunburnt Country