Christina Stead Modern Library Collection

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Christina Stead Modern Library Collection

The Modern Library is a exquisite collection of Christina Stead's literary fiction, rereleased for the modern reader. Her work was beloved and continues to be loved years after she passed. Her books include introductions by novelists Jonathan Franzen, Delia Falconer, Michelle de Kretser, Druisilla Mojeska and others.

Christina Stead was born in Sydney in 1902, and died there in 1983. Most of her life was spent elsewhere: in London, Paris and other places in Europe, and in the United States. Her first book, The Salzburg Tales, was published in 1934, followed by twelve more works of fiction. In The Man Who Loved Children she drew on her own childhood in Sydney. She was the recipient of the inaugural Patrick White Literary Award in 1974.

In celebration of the second volume of Stead's letters, Talking to the Typewriter, we're offering 20% of all books in the Christina Stead Modern Library collection.

MUP reading stack
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Products in this stack
  • Letty Fox
  • The Man Who Loved Children
  • The Salzburg Tales
  • Cotters' England
  • House of All Nations
  • Seven Poor Men of Sydney
  • For Love Alone